I know it's only been 10 days since I've posted the WE HIT 1K post but, we did it. We got another thousand views in just 10 days. I just want to say how happy I am because of this. Thank you. Thank you, my bookworms.
You guys are AMAZING bookworms.
"So, I say you'll ... come home, come home. Cause I've been waiting for you, so long, so long."
- Come home, One Republic
BTW. I've been nominated for the Book Fangirling Blog Award. So, expect a post for that soon.
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Saturday, 25 July 2015
My Review of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 OFFICIAL TRAILER
So, I think I'll do this by category.
I loved how they started the trailer. The zooming into the Capitol while the background music went 'dum, dum, dum.' It really builds up the suspense. I could feel my fangirl-ness (if it wasn't a word yet, I just made into a word.) in me was trying to burst out of my body.
WHERE I GOT 'The Feels'
I'm going to list out the top 2 parts of where I got the most FEELS, not that I only have 2 parts because, the entire trailer I had the feels but this is just where I got the MOST feels.
1. During the Finnick and Annie's wedding dance scene when Prim and Katniss hug!
That part was so sweet for me and when they added the voice over "Nothing good is safe while he's alive..." and then I thought back to what happened to Prim. I practically EXPLODED!!!
2. When Peeta starts the sentence "All those deaths..."
The funny part about this (not the Deaths!) is that before watching the trailer I came across this pic:
So, I thought that "All those deaths..." was
"OMG!!! Is that...the line from that pic just now. (MEGA HUGE GASP)"
First, if Peeta starts talking I already get the feels (Biased I know, but his voice melts my heart like heat melts butter.) But, when he starts to say ALL THOSE DEATHS and they start showing the scenes when they were in the UNDERGROUND tunnels of the CAPITOL and things exploded and they poped out of the water and they end with THEY MEAN SOMETHING. MY heart literally MELTED. Call me a doctor. But, all of this was just on the inside, on the outside, if someone were to pass by they would've seen me making a sad face and go "Awww..."
The scene where the floor is crumbling beneath them and there's a voice over and it goes "Turn your weapons...to Snow." and they start showing a series of scenes at high speed. So, I noticed that Katniss KISSED someone during one of the scenes but, I wasn't sure if it was PEETA or gale. So while I was rewinding I was saying "Who is it? Who is it? Who is it?" So, when I saw it was PEETA I started squealing like a little girl. I was so loud, my MOM came upstairs to see what's wrong. Ahhhh! The JOYS of being a FANGIRL!
The special effects were awesome, the tar, the crumbling floor, the mutated lizard peacekeepers, and did you see Tigris's face, it was all top-notch. The props were amazing too, the hovercrafts, the parachutes ( who knows what they actually are? ;( ) they were top-notch too.
I can wait for the movie, because I don't want it to end. This is an important part of my childhood and I don't want it to end. I am so sad. :(
BUT! I think the movie is going to be awesome and I am so happy that Francis Lawrence directed it.
Happy waiting for November and may the odds be ever in your favor.
"Are you, are you? Coming to the tree where they strung up a man, they say who murdered three."
- The Hanging Tree
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Title: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Author: J. K. Rowling
Rating: 5/5
Reading Time: 5-7 hrs
Bookworm Appeal: Plot Twist?
: Fantasy?
: Being Sly?
: Kissing Dementors?
: Useless Divination?
Serious Sirius?
In my opinion, this book had the most PLOT TWIST out of the 1st three books of the series. Some of them were predictable but, most of them weren't. As usual, the writing was FLAWLESS! I loved the whole SIRIUS BLACK mystery. I also loved that we get to know more about Harry's past. I really enjoyed the book and it's my favorite book out of the 3 Harry Potter books that I've read. GO READ IT!
Irrelevant thought
They could have at least tried to make Harry and Hermione kinda nice on the cover. I mean look at them, their so UGLY.
So, Harry is back for his 3rd year at Hogwarts. He's run away from home because he did... something. After almost being run over and a few other stuff they get the problem solved and Harry hopes for a normal year at Hogwarts. But his dreams are destroyed when a mass murderer escapes from Azkaban and the Azkaban guards, Dementors, which Harry seems to be affected by more than others, are sent to Hogwarts to keep the school safe. Find out more about Harry's past in this epic third book of the series.
I wanted to do a song quote but I decided against it. I found this cool mash-up which I wanted to share so click HERE to listen.
Sorry today's review was so crappy.
Irrelevant thought
They could have at least tried to make Harry and Hermione kinda nice on the cover. I mean look at them, their so UGLY.
So, Harry is back for his 3rd year at Hogwarts. He's run away from home because he did... something. After almost being run over and a few other stuff they get the problem solved and Harry hopes for a normal year at Hogwarts. But his dreams are destroyed when a mass murderer escapes from Azkaban and the Azkaban guards, Dementors, which Harry seems to be affected by more than others, are sent to Hogwarts to keep the school safe. Find out more about Harry's past in this epic third book of the series.
I wanted to do a song quote but I decided against it. I found this cool mash-up which I wanted to share so click HERE to listen.
Sorry today's review was so crappy.
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Author: J. K. Rowling
Rating: 5/5
Reading Time: 4-5 hrs
Bookworm Appeal: Fantasy?
: Anagram?
: Huge Phony?
: The Feels?
: Plot Twist?
I was petrified. (see what I did.) :)
I loved it as much as I love Taylor Swift and that's a lot.
A few things I would like to touch:
How Ron, Fred and George come and save Harry. I
love how they just arrive at his window in
the middle of the night just because Harry
didn’t reply to their letters.
I don’t understand Vernon’s logic
First things first, if my nephew was a
wizard I wouldn’t be locking him in a closet, I’d be treating him like a
prince. Second, if he doesn’t care about Harry and acts as though Harry has
ceased to exist, WTH does he care if Harry goes to Hogwarts or not? In fact
with that mentality shouldn’t he want Harry to go to Hogwarts?
I love the Weasley’s Father
When he came home from work and found out
about the car trip and all he could think about was that if it ran well and had
to pretend (he failed miserably, don’t you think?) at being mad.
The Holler Ron got
It was one of the funniest things, I’ve
ever read. I could imagine the embarrassment. It must have been so embarrassing,
your mom’s voice projected for everyone to hear her ranting about you.
The Weasley’s money situation
I get that if the Harry had tried to give
the Weasley’s money Mrs Weasley would immediately stop him and she would feel
rather embarrassed but, the least he could do was buy Ron a new wand or at
least help buy some of the stuff Ginny needed or he could give them his old set
of books, you know if there were the same as last years. I’ve been wondering
why he doesn’t do it.
Lockhart’s a phony
I’m only 30% through the book writing this
and I’ve come to the conclusion that Lockhart is lying about everything in his
books and that he is a huge PHONY!!!!!
So, Harry Potter is back for another year at Hogwarts after one of the worst birthdays of his 12 year life. It's not even the first day but he's already gotten himself in trouble. As if things couldn't get any worse, a monster is on the loose and some people think that he is the one who set it free. To clear his name and set things straight, he has to solve the mystery of The Chamber of Secrets.
"Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain. Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile."
- Sparks Fly, Taylor Swift
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Knife Edge (SEQUEL TO Noughts and Crosses) (SPOILERS from 1st book)
(This is the sequel to Noughts and crosses which I've also done a REVIEW about. So there will be SPOILERS about the first book but, none about the second.)
*click on review to see the review
Title: Knife Edge
Author: Malorie Blackman
Rating: 4/5
Reading Time: 6 hrs (in one sitting)
Bookworm Appeal:Best Mistake?
: Plot twists?
: Liberation Militia?
: Jude's POV?
: Feel attacks?
If you thought the 1st book was dark wait till you read this one!
In this book Malorie gives us not 2, not 3, but 4 POV'S but, the 2 main POV's are Jude's and Sephy's POV, Meggie (Callum's Mom) and Jasmine's (?) (I think that's Sephy's mom's name) POVs come in late into the book and only 2 or 3 chapters but, at least their there. I really love that we get to see from all 4 of our main characters view, no matter how short.
While reading this book my mind kept going back to the lyrics from Ariana Grande's song 'Best Mistake'. Because Sephy picks Callie over Callum in Noughts and Crosses and ends up regretting it in Knife Edge. So it's like Callie Rose is a mistake but, she's the best mistake Sephy's ever made.
As usual, Malorie's writing is incredible. It feels like your in the character's mind, scratch that, it's like you are the character's mind.
It's a great read, but the reason I gave it 4/5 is because of how dark it is, sure there are some happy moments but not much.
I was actually rethinking reading the series but, decided to continue reading it because of the ending and also I want to see if the controversy is solved.
Sephy is living in regret and with a baby. She's struggling. This book is basically about how she's coping with everything and all the challenges her decisions bring her. She's older here, wiser, not much, but still wiser, the book is also an update on how the controversy is after a half Nought, half Cross baby. It's also about how she copes while Jude (complete dumb arse if you ask me) tries to kill her out of revenge and anger,
Jude wants revenge, no matter what the cost and no matter how pointless it is (but, he can't see that because he's an idiot)
He seems to blame Sephy for everything wrong that's ever happen to him. I see how he needs someone to pin his problems to but, couldn't he at least pick the right person. He should blame himself the reason Callum was hanged was because they kidnapped Sephy and who brought him to the Liberation Militia, JUDE!!! So all in all I blame Jude for everything and maybe Jude and Callum's dad for introducing his sons to Liberation Militia. OMG, reading this it sounds like I'm reviewing Jude, SORRY.
Jude- Revenge, hates crosses, so stuck on hating he doesn't even try to like the Crosses, has anger issues, hates Sephy, Shuckface. #ILOVETheMazeRunner
(I feel nothing but anger towards Jude) Only My Opinion (O.M.O.)
"I still fall on my face sometimes, and I can't color inside the lines. Cause I'm perfectly incomplete. I'm still working on my masterpiece."
- Masterpiece, Jessie J

*click on review to see the review

Author: Malorie Blackman
Rating: 4/5
Reading Time: 6 hrs (in one sitting)
Bookworm Appeal:Best Mistake?
: Plot twists?
: Liberation Militia?
: Jude's POV?
: Feel attacks?
If you thought the 1st book was dark wait till you read this one!
In this book Malorie gives us not 2, not 3, but 4 POV'S but, the 2 main POV's are Jude's and Sephy's POV, Meggie (Callum's Mom) and Jasmine's (?) (I think that's Sephy's mom's name) POVs come in late into the book and only 2 or 3 chapters but, at least their there. I really love that we get to see from all 4 of our main characters view, no matter how short.
While reading this book my mind kept going back to the lyrics from Ariana Grande's song 'Best Mistake'. Because Sephy picks Callie over Callum in Noughts and Crosses and ends up regretting it in Knife Edge. So it's like Callie Rose is a mistake but, she's the best mistake Sephy's ever made.
As usual, Malorie's writing is incredible. It feels like your in the character's mind, scratch that, it's like you are the character's mind.
It's a great read, but the reason I gave it 4/5 is because of how dark it is, sure there are some happy moments but not much.
I was actually rethinking reading the series but, decided to continue reading it because of the ending and also I want to see if the controversy is solved.
Sephy is living in regret and with a baby. She's struggling. This book is basically about how she's coping with everything and all the challenges her decisions bring her. She's older here, wiser, not much, but still wiser, the book is also an update on how the controversy is after a half Nought, half Cross baby. It's also about how she copes while Jude (complete dumb arse if you ask me) tries to kill her out of revenge and anger,
Jude wants revenge, no matter what the cost and no matter how pointless it is (but, he can't see that because he's an idiot)
He seems to blame Sephy for everything wrong that's ever happen to him. I see how he needs someone to pin his problems to but, couldn't he at least pick the right person. He should blame himself the reason Callum was hanged was because they kidnapped Sephy and who brought him to the Liberation Militia, JUDE!!! So all in all I blame Jude for everything and maybe Jude and Callum's dad for introducing his sons to Liberation Militia. OMG, reading this it sounds like I'm reviewing Jude, SORRY.
Jude- Revenge, hates crosses, so stuck on hating he doesn't even try to like the Crosses, has anger issues, hates Sephy, Shuckface. #ILOVETheMazeRunner
(I feel nothing but anger towards Jude) Only My Opinion (O.M.O.)
"I still fall on my face sometimes, and I can't color inside the lines. Cause I'm perfectly incomplete. I'm still working on my masterpiece."
- Masterpiece, Jessie J
Friday, 17 July 2015
WE HIT 1K!!!!!!
OMG!! I just want to say how happy I am to hear that my blog hit 1,000 views (1,161 to be exact). It was one of my goals when I started this blog to at least have 1000 views by the end of the year and we achieved it.
So, I just want to say thank you to all you bookworms, for helping me achieve my goal.
You guys are AWESOME!!!!!
P.S. My next GOAL is to have at least 20 bookworms join the blog. (But, don't sweat it)
Okay, that's it I just wanted to give you guys an update. Love you guys. You guys are the bomb.
"Baby you and me, stumbling in the streets. Just singing! Singing! Singing! Midnight memories."
- One Direction, Midnight Memories
So, I just want to say thank you to all you bookworms, for helping me achieve my goal.
You guys are AWESOME!!!!!
P.S. My next GOAL is to have at least 20 bookworms join the blog. (But, don't sweat it)
Okay, that's it I just wanted to give you guys an update. Love you guys. You guys are the bomb.
"Baby you and me, stumbling in the streets. Just singing! Singing! Singing! Midnight memories."
- One Direction, Midnight Memories
Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Author: Rainbow Rowell
Rating: 4/5
Reading Time: 1 day
Bookworm Appeal: Marriage Problems?
: Contemporary Reading?
: Magic?
: Book Cameo?
: Sucky iphone?
It's a lot of reading.
I loved it, just like all the other Rainbow Rowell books. I love how Rainbow's writing makes you feel as though you're with the characters as their story plays out on the pages. Them going through hardship and stuff while you following them from behind like the crazy stalker you are.
I love how funny Rainbow was in the book. Especially the part where Heather answer's the phone and also have you read Rainbow's dialogue.
But the reason I'm giving it a 4/5 is because of the ending. I wanted more. I wanted her to ask Neal about 1982 (is it 1982 or 1988?) and I wanted to see if they could reschedule their meeting, I want to see what happens with Seth and if Heather tells her Mom. (OMG! Reading out what I typed, I realized I'm starting to sound like Hazel from TFIOS, when she talks about wanting to know the ending for all the other characters in Imperial Affliction after Anna dies.)
I also liked how she did cameos of 2 characters from her other book.
(comment who you think the cameos are)
Georgie is 37 year old, workaholic. She's married and has 2 girls. After choosing work over the family, everything in her life goes downhill. She's given a magic phone to set things right.
I know it's short but it pretty much sums up the book.
"I'm never gonna change, I'm always gonna stay, when you call for me I'm right there."
- Ariana Grande , Right There
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
For all my fellow bookworms who don't know this, the actual FIRST time I've ever read a Harry Potter book is TODAY!!! (I know, I know, I'm late. But at least I started.) I haven't watched any of the movies either.
Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Author: J. K. Rowling
Rating: 5/5
Reading Time: 3 - 4 hrs
Bookworm Appeal: Fantasy?
: Plot Twists?
: 3 Leads?
: Detention?
: Page Turner?
I wanted to put unicorn as an appeal but they only mentioned unicorns once or thrice.
I am speechless. Which is why I'm typing this down. I hated nothing about this book. I only felt love.
I loved Hermione, Harry and Ron's relationship.I like how Harry and Ron became friends on the train, you know, instant friendship. But I also liked that they had to build their friendship with Hermione. Kind of. I love the line
" There are some things you can't share without liking each other, and knocking out a twelve foot mountain troll is one of them. "
I also like how Snape wasn't evil just misunderstood. I also like how she sometimes shifted POVs mid page and switch it back to Harry's POV by the end of the page like during Harry's first Quidditch match.
I love the plot and I love J. K. Rowling.
I also love that she named one of the Weasly's name Percy like in Percy Jackson and the Olymipans. #PJO #PERCABETH #HoO
I think we all know the story, even I did and I didn't read the books or watch the movies.
It's about an eleven year old boy who was left on the doorstep of his horrible (huge understatement) aunt and uncle. He turns out to be a wizard and goes to Hogwarts. How will he cope, in a new world where he doesn't know anything about but where everybody knows him while figuring out the mysteries going on in Hogwarts.
"I think something big is happening, feel in my bones."
- Shawn Mended, Something Big
Sorry I'm writing this on my phone.

Author: J. K. Rowling
Rating: 5/5
Reading Time: 3 - 4 hrs
Bookworm Appeal: Fantasy?
: Plot Twists?
: 3 Leads?
: Detention?
: Page Turner?
I wanted to put unicorn as an appeal but they only mentioned unicorns once or thrice.
I am speechless. Which is why I'm typing this down. I hated nothing about this book. I only felt love.
I loved Hermione, Harry and Ron's relationship.I like how Harry and Ron became friends on the train, you know, instant friendship. But I also liked that they had to build their friendship with Hermione. Kind of. I love the line
" There are some things you can't share without liking each other, and knocking out a twelve foot mountain troll is one of them. "
I also like how Snape wasn't evil just misunderstood. I also like how she sometimes shifted POVs mid page and switch it back to Harry's POV by the end of the page like during Harry's first Quidditch match.
I love the plot and I love J. K. Rowling.
I also love that she named one of the Weasly's name Percy like in Percy Jackson and the Olymipans. #PJO #PERCABETH #HoO
I think we all know the story, even I did and I didn't read the books or watch the movies.
It's about an eleven year old boy who was left on the doorstep of his horrible (huge understatement) aunt and uncle. He turns out to be a wizard and goes to Hogwarts. How will he cope, in a new world where he doesn't know anything about but where everybody knows him while figuring out the mysteries going on in Hogwarts.
"I think something big is happening, feel in my bones."
- Shawn Mended, Something Big
Sorry I'm writing this on my phone.
Saturday, 11 July 2015
Fangirling over FANGIRL
Title: Fangirl
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Rating: 1000/5
Reading Time: 1 day
Appeal: Basic Nerd?
: Fangirl?
: First love?
: Fandom?
about Fangirls?
My initial reaction after reading this book.

I'm listening to Tay as I type) WHY??? Because it tells the honest truth about
most Fangirls, Fangirls are weird. We prefer staying at home blogging, reading
and watching book reviews on Booktube than going out shopping unless, of course
if it's for more books. I love this book, for some people it was easy for them
to detect how it was gonna end but, I was completely in the dark and that's
what I loved about it.
this one line she says when someone accused her of being obsessive and I
practically laughed my face off. (I'm exaggerating a tad...just a tad) The line
was...(drumroll) "I'm just really active in the fandom." (well
something along that line)
(I wasn't sure on how to summarize thisso excuse me if it's bad and u can click here to read the summary from Goodreads)
Cath/Cather is the ultimate Simon Snow fan. Being a Simon Snow fan is her life (literally, she's obsessed to Simon Snow like how I'm obsessed with The Hunger Games Trilogy) She and Wren (her sister) followed the series ever since they were kids, it was what got them through their Mother leaving them.
Reading. Rereading. Fanfic-ing (I don't think that's a word). Dressing up for the movie premieres, basically doing everything a gigantic fan does.
Even though Cath is still a hard core fan, Wren has mostly left the clutches of the fandom. Since their going to college, Wren decides that she wants to be more independent and meet new people (lame excuse to ditch your sister) and doesn't want to be roommates with her. Cath is left alone to fend for herself in a completely new world.
She's got one of those party girl (?) kinda girls for a roommate with a, always in their room, kinda cute boyfriend, a fiction writing teacher that
Can she do it? Can she survive?
"You watch me bleed until I can't breathe. Shaking, falling onto my knees, And now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches"
-Shawn Mendes, Stitches
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Noughts and Crosses

Author: Malorie Blackman
Reading Time: 1-2 days (there are 119 chapters)
Bookworm Appeal: Black and White controversy in reverse?
: Romance?
: Plot Twists? (like at least 3)
: Long Read?
: Action?
: Betrayal?
There's so much I added a 6th appeal.
OMG!!!! After reading this book I wanted to KILL Malorie Blackman for what she did. But, being the awesome person that I am, I'm not going to tell you bookies why because I hate it when people SPOIL me AGAINST my will. I love her writing it just made me feel like the one of the characters in the story. (I used one of because she writes in both Sephy's and Callum's perspective, I loved that she did that) Go READ IT like NOOOOWWW!!!
It's the Black/White controversy in reverse, The whites are slaves and the blacks are on top but, instead of saying black and white she used Nought = White and Cross = Black. Thus the title Noughts and Crosses. It's a tragic love story about how Sephy a Cross and Callum a Nought find love and deal with loses.
Sephy- a.k.a. Persephone (like the greek godess Persephone daughter of Demeter and wife to Hades #pjo #HoO #BoO #I'minthefandom), quirky, short sighted (as in thinking skills not her actual sight), rich, 14 (well in the beginning of the book), comes from a messed up home and LOVES CALLUM
Callum- poor, has mentally unstable siblings, Nought, family drama, serious, smart, curious, loves to learn, super sweet and most importantly LOVES SEPHY
There are huge plot twist throughout the entire book that I will allow you to enjoy finding out about through, I cried at the ending.
"Oh, misty eye of the mountain below. Keep careful watch of my brother's soul."
- Ed Sheeran, I see fire

Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Eleanor and Park
Eleanor and Park ( I wrote this three times )
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Rating: 10/5
Reading Time: 1 – 2 days
Bookworm Appeal: Romance?
: Page turner?
: Mystery?
: Long Read?
: Action?
You’ve just found it.
I loved the book. It was so good and also amazingly long. It
took me almost 2 days to finish it and I’m a fast reader. (Then again I was
kinda busy and barely read it on the 1st day) BUT, I still
categorize it as a LONG READ #longreads. It was nicely written. It’s romance
and action and mystery and sadness ( it
was kinda sad but is there a genre for sad stories ) I think it is an awesome book
and I’m going to read another one of Rainbow’s books, Fangirl. I think most
likely the underdogs and the nerds might be able to relate to this book.
(people who try to blend in or the people who are madly in love can relate to
it too). There were some of the romantic parts in the book that were kind of
like romantic parts in books like Pushing the Limits (Hot & Intense…). But, even though I usually mind when it’s written like that,
this time I DIDN’T. It was that good.
ELEANOR- Overweight, from a broken family, Jerks for a
family, has a pervert for a stepdad, LOVES PARK
PARK- Asian, slim(?), rich, a good guy, can drive, wears
eyeliner, awesome boyfriend, loves ELEANOR
Together Park and Eleanor (I know it’s Eleanor and Park but
since Eleanor came first in the book title it’s only fair that Park’s name
comes first in my review/summary.) make one of the SWEETEST, MOST ROMANTIC love
story in HISTORY like they could beat ROMEO AND JULIET. Mystery, romance and
action thrown in together (mostly romance…) to make one heck of a book.
“You and I, we don’t wanna be like them. We can make it till
the end, nothing can come between you and I.”
-One Direction, You and I
BTW I heard there is gonna be a second book.
-One Direction, You and I
BTW I heard there is gonna be a second book.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
OMG!!!!!!! I am such a douche bag. I am so sorry for not keeping up with my blogging but its the fasting month where I live and guess what...I'M FASTING!!
I've also been super busy with my choral speaking and debating and keeping up with my studies so I don't flunk. But these are not very good reasons to miss almost a month of blogging. I APOLOGIZE. I'll try to put in as many reviews as I can but it won't be much.
(Your fellow bookworm)
"And I know you're shining down on me from heaven, like so many friends we've lost along the way and I know eventually we'll be together. One sweet day."
- Mariah Carey, One sweet day
(sorry I'm kinda into the 90's now)
I've also been super busy with my choral speaking and debating and keeping up with my studies so I don't flunk. But these are not very good reasons to miss almost a month of blogging. I APOLOGIZE. I'll try to put in as many reviews as I can but it won't be much.
(Your fellow bookworm)
"And I know you're shining down on me from heaven, like so many friends we've lost along the way and I know eventually we'll be together. One sweet day."
- Mariah Carey, One sweet day
(sorry I'm kinda into the 90's now)
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