Title: Crown of Midnight
Series: Throne of Glass (#2)
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Rating: 4/5
Reading Time: 1 day
Bookworm Appeal: More Calaena, Utter and complete confusion, frustration, and a whole lot of kicking ass awesomeness
Oh No! Not her!
OK... How do I not give you spoilers. So...Crown of Midnight is the second book in the six book series, Throne of Glass. If you want to know more you can check out my Throne of Glass Review. But it's basically about this bad-ass assassin, Calaena who has just (this is a spoiler for those who have not read Throne of Glass, well...kind of we all knew it would happen) become the King's Champion and this is what happens after. I loved it it was basically just pure awesomeness, not as awesome as The Hunger Games, but then again nothing is as awesome as The Hunger Games. But, then again most of you guys know I'm biased when it comes to anything vs. The Hunger Games. Anyway, it is an amazing book that you guys MUST read if you haven't and if you have you may continue to the Spoiler Section of this review and to the Non-spoilery peeps turn back and read the first book or the second book while you can...then come back here.
1. Nehemia
I can't believe she died. I was not expecting that! Contrary to popular belief I did not cry. I know, SHOCKER cause I always cry but...meh. I guess it was because right after Nehemia died there was a fight scene and I was kinda praying for Chaol's death and all that other stuff. I was also speed reading at the time so if I somehow find the time to reread it, I'll probably cry. But, I have to give props to Nehemia for letting herself be killed to become a martyr to her people and to give Calaena that small push that she very much needed. I give you the three finger salute Nehemia even if you are just fictional.
I'd do Rue's whistle if I could but sadly I can't whistle and if I tried it would just be me spitting and that seems disrespectful.
2. The Ships
When I said complete and utter confusion in the Bookworm Appeal I meant it. You see in the first book before making up my mind I was completely and utterly confused and distressed because both Dorian and Chaol were sweet but like I said Dorian won me over with his charm, humor and love for books. That and he's the Prince and I always pick the prince. I'm biased I know but after reading The Selection...OMG I just realized The Selection by Kiera Cass also has a love triangle with Aspen a guard and Maxon the prince....OMG MIND BLOWN!!!!

I mean Chaol's okay and all but I was just like why are you with Chaol like seriously why? Dorian is so much better. I mean Dorian's so funny and sweet so I didn't really get Calaena's love life in this book. She likes them equally but she's throwing herself in this Chaol situation, I'm not even gonna call it relationship, because she doesn't want Dorian to be an option since he's a Hallivard and all that.
I felt SO BAD for Dorian in this book, whenever we got his POV I was just like Aww-ing the entire time.
And also I think what happened in Chapter 23 was a little rushed I mean it was. I think it was because of the fact that she lost Sam and she didn't manage to have it with him so, she rushes into it because she's afraid she'll lose Chaol before she could share that moment with him, not that I would mind if for some reason she was unable to share that moment with Chaol and have Dorian take Chaol's place FOREVER.
3. Dorian has MAGIC
So....Dorain has magic SQUEEEE!!!!!!! AND Calaena is Fae YAYYYYYY!!!! I am so excited now that Dorian has magic! So Dorian has raw magic that means that instead of just being one thing it can be whatever he needs may it be fire, may it be ice it shall come to fit his likes ( I just made that up ) and CALAENA is the Heir of Terrasen I kind of figured it out thanks to the 3rd books title 'Heir of Fire' so she must be The Heir and her Fae magic must be fire. So I figured this out after checking out the titles of the other books when I was reading Throne of Glass. When he firsts discovers his magic he was standing up to his father and he knocks this wall and the glass pane near the wall shatters and I was like 'Elsa moment' and throughout the book I see him the developing into this awesome King and Chaol is just...there.
4. Her Faeness
I know she's headed to Wendlyn, to the last Fae stronghold and she's gonna go and bring back the Fam and come back with a vengeance. She bout' to go all SUPER SAIYAN on that King's face. She bout to go get back the throne.
5. I mentioned this in The Ships but...
I'm sorry to all the Team Chaol fans ut there but I have to admit that I was more than happy watching her kick Chaol's ass. I was just sitting there, hunched over my book, chanting "Die Chaol die! Die Chaol Die!" and when he didn't I was just like SwipeR in Dora the Explorer. You know the whole Oh man! thing. I think I like Throne of Glass better even though I still mess up Throne of Glass with Game of Thrones.Probably because we get more Dorian time.
6. The portal scene
I was so scared that one of them would get stuck in the portal because that is kind of one of the biggest and most used cliches of all time. I wouldn't have cared if Chaol got stuck in the portal cause then Dorian and Calaena would go off and find him and then they would bond over that period of time and she'll start getting attracted to Dorian and vice versa and by the time they reached Chaol Calorian would be back on track. Did I mention ( Descendants reference ) how dumb Calaena was though. I mean you don't go dabble with the dead and the gates everyone knows that that's not what you do, that there is a line that no one crosses I mean it's in every book that concerns talking to the dead and the fact that she's an avid reader makes me even more disappointed.
7. The Wyrdkeyes
So there are 3 in total and we know the king already has at least 1 key. And apparently they are able to open up portals and bring in creatures. If all three keys are assembled then he can open the portals at whatever time and for how long he wants because with only one key he can open it just long enough to bring in a creature before it closes. We also learn a bit more about the rings but I'm still not entirely sure what sort of magic it is, I know it gives the wearer massive headaches and the king can bend them to his will or at least something along the lines of that. But I'd still like to know more about it.
8. The Dreams
So Gavin came into Dorian's dream to tell him that Calaena was in trouble and Elena comes into Calaena's dreams whenever she needs guidance. He didn't go to Chaol. I think you know where I'm getting at. Which reminds me when they were at the portal and Calaena wanted to get away from Dorian to help Chaol she knocks out Dorian and I'm just like WTF did you just do that! Are you dumb you want to get away okay break away you don't have to knock him out your a FAE you can out run him, how stupid can you be. Really...I love Calaena but she is really frustrating in this book.
There is probably more but this seems long enough so until the next review 'Heir of Fire'
"Eyes can't shine, unless there's something burning bright behind. Since you left there's nothing left in mine"
- Infinity, One Direction (This was for Nehemia not Chaol)
“The best lies were always mixed with truth.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Crown of Midnight
“She won't understand. And when she goes over the edge, there will be nothing to pull her back."
"She will find her way back. She always does."
Tears formed, but the princess blinked them away. "For all our sakes, I hope you're right.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Crown of Midnight

Me and Heir of Fire
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