Sorry, if this review is less detailed it's a few days. :(
Title: A Court of Thorns and Roses
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Rating: 4/5
Reading Time: 1 day
I'm from the Spring Court
I liked this book, I'm not sure if I loved it, but I know I liked it. I think the main reason why I only like it is because of the main character. I don't know if it's just me or if any of you bookworms feel the same way but, if I don't like the main character I tend to dislike the book. Unpopular opinion but, I didn't like the Divergent trilogy in fact I hated it. I'm sorry I don't mean to insult any divergents out there. Okay, maybe I don't hate the books, I just don't like them. I did not like Tris or Four. I found them kind of annoying. I would've preferred it if it was based on Christina's story. (weird, I know) I actually have a review you can check out, DIVERGENT REVIEW. BUT, continuing on the book I planned to review, I don't like Feyre, she's okay to me, I don't love her like I love other character's I found her annoying but she changed slightly, I'll give her that. I loved Rhysand though (is that how u spell it?) and Lucien. So I guess that's what made the book bearable for me. So, the story is basically a retelling of Beauty and the Beast just with a darker twist. Feyre accidentally kills a faye and is dragged to Prythian by Tamlin to live out her sentence... then they .... then she finds out that he has a .... and Prythian is in ...... and tries to .... then thet....
SPOILER ----------SPOILER --------------- SPOILER --------------- SPOILER -------------- SPOILER -
1. I'm only 15% into the book and I already don't like the lead. I heard really good things about this book but, they didn't tell me how annoying the main character is. Okay, I get it, they're Faye, rumored to eat people and it's happened before, sure. But does that mean you have to do that, kill it. Okay maybe killing it was justified, but not feeling sorry doing it after seeing his friend mourn him, that's cruel.
2. How she doesn't trust her family to survive is a pain as well. I didn't expect her family to be taken care of but she could have a little faith in them. They survived when her father lost their wealth, they survived when her mother died, who's to say they can't survive now. It's called adapting, and she did it pretty well. The only reason the rest of her family didn't is because she never gave them the chance to.
3. Her need to flee. First of all if he wanted to kill you he would've done it earlier . Even after him feeding her and not enslaving her she still doesn't trust him. Why does she assume all Faye are pricks, like really. Look at her family, her dad and sisters are useless she's useful, SEE! Hasn't she heard of don't trust it till you see it (however the saying goes).
4. Going to the CALANMAI. I'm sorry but that was just grade A stupidity.
I love Lucien, he's got SASS.
I know there are tons of other stuff but, I've seriously GTG. But, can we just talk about what happened at the end ... some people say it was the "mating" that was briefly explained during the niigt of Calanmai. I mean I totally ship Rhysand in fact I pick him over Tamlin. I think it's cool. Some people say that they wouldn't want it because that would prove the evil queen's point but, that's just how love is, it's a fickle thing that easily slips. So really we can't be blamed.
That's it bookworms. Remember to share, +1, Subscribe and Comment who you ship and your take on divergent and if you liked Feyre.
"If the world's on fire, we won't even move. There is no reason if I'm here with you."
- Charlie Puth, Some type of love
“Before you start yelling . . . ,”
― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses
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