Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The Book Fangirling Blog Award (SQUEEEE!!!!)

(This is my first award nomination so, please forgive me if I do anything wrong.)

I was nominated by (cue drum roll) ... The Nerdgirl Review for the Book Fangirling Blog Award. OMG!!! Thank you so much!!!

So the rules for the award are pretty simple and I've listed them all down for you:

  • Create a post to accept your award
  • Add the blog award button into your post and put it at the side of your blog as a widget
  • Answer the questions I have below
  • Nominate 5 - 10 bloggers who you think deserve this award
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees 
  • Link me to your post so I can see your answers

The Nerdgirl Review's Questions:

1. What is the first book you can remember reading?
     Peter and the Magic Shadow by Enid Blyton. I was 7 or 8 years old at the time and my mom and I were browsing through the shelves when I found the book for only 10$. Before that I had never read a book to myself before (besides textbooks) and this what kick started my love for reading and because of that I'm forever thankful.

2. What are your bookish reading habits?
     I almost always zone out whenever I'm reading, especially if it's a good book. It's like there's only the book, the story and me, everything else is missing. I don't realize I'm being called until I've been knocked on the head. I also have a habit of putting down a book, pacing around the room while squealing when I come to an embarrassing part of the book. I cry a lot too.

3. What is your favorite thing about the book community?
     The thing I love the most about the book community is that everyone is so supportive of each   other. I've been on many blogs and I haven't seen any hating or trash talking other bloggers or the   writers of the many books we read. I like how we share the name's of blogs that we like and help people out and not bring them down.

4. What book would you erase from your memory and pretend you didn't read?
  The Hunger Games Trilogy or The Power of Five series. I would erase them from my memory just  so that I can fall in love with them all over again. Why? Because it's a wonderful sensation, the feeling you get as you slowly start to care about the characters and feel yourself slowly drift into the story's arms. 

5. Which fictional universe would you like to be a part of?
    Ooooo! This is a toughy. I'd say my top three would be:

  • Demigods (Percy Jackson)
  • Wizards and Witches (Harry Potter)
  • The Hunger Games, Panem (The Hunger Games)
I know what your thinking Camp Half-Blood, of course. Hogwarts? I wanna go there. The Hunger Games? There is something seriously wrong with her, she needs serious help. I know it's weird but I really just want to try out in the Hunger Games, you know, to see how long I can survive and if I can emerge victorious. ( see what I did there VICTOR and VICTORious ) It's the same feeling I get when I see people doing the knife song, I want to do it but I don't. 

My Questions:

  1. What's your favorite book series?
  2. Which character's death hurt you the most?
  3. Which book villain would you like to kill or at least hurt the most?
  4. Which book release are you most excited about?
  5. If you could visit any place from any book, what would it be?

My Nominees


"Just like they say it in the song, until the dawn let's Marvin Gaye and get it on "                                                                                                                                           - Marvin Gaye, Charlie Puth

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