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Author: Malorie Blackman
Rating: 4/5
Reading Time: 6 hrs (in one sitting)
Bookworm Appeal:Best Mistake?
: Plot twists?
: Liberation Militia?
: Jude's POV?
: Feel attacks?
If you thought the 1st book was dark wait till you read this one!
In this book Malorie gives us not 2, not 3, but 4 POV'S but, the 2 main POV's are Jude's and Sephy's POV, Meggie (Callum's Mom) and Jasmine's (?) (I think that's Sephy's mom's name) POVs come in late into the book and only 2 or 3 chapters but, at least their there. I really love that we get to see from all 4 of our main characters view, no matter how short.
While reading this book my mind kept going back to the lyrics from Ariana Grande's song 'Best Mistake'. Because Sephy picks Callie over Callum in Noughts and Crosses and ends up regretting it in Knife Edge. So it's like Callie Rose is a mistake but, she's the best mistake Sephy's ever made.
As usual, Malorie's writing is incredible. It feels like your in the character's mind, scratch that, it's like you are the character's mind.
It's a great read, but the reason I gave it 4/5 is because of how dark it is, sure there are some happy moments but not much.
I was actually rethinking reading the series but, decided to continue reading it because of the ending and also I want to see if the controversy is solved.
Sephy is living in regret and with a baby. She's struggling. This book is basically about how she's coping with everything and all the challenges her decisions bring her. She's older here, wiser, not much, but still wiser, the book is also an update on how the controversy is after a half Nought, half Cross baby. It's also about how she copes while Jude (complete dumb arse if you ask me) tries to kill her out of revenge and anger,
Jude wants revenge, no matter what the cost and no matter how pointless it is (but, he can't see that because he's an idiot)
He seems to blame Sephy for everything wrong that's ever happen to him. I see how he needs someone to pin his problems to but, couldn't he at least pick the right person. He should blame himself the reason Callum was hanged was because they kidnapped Sephy and who brought him to the Liberation Militia, JUDE!!! So all in all I blame Jude for everything and maybe Jude and Callum's dad for introducing his sons to Liberation Militia. OMG, reading this it sounds like I'm reviewing Jude, SORRY.
Jude- Revenge, hates crosses, so stuck on hating he doesn't even try to like the Crosses, has anger issues, hates Sephy, Shuckface. #ILOVETheMazeRunner
(I feel nothing but anger towards Jude) Only My Opinion (O.M.O.)
"I still fall on my face sometimes, and I can't color inside the lines. Cause I'm perfectly incomplete. I'm still working on my masterpiece."
- Masterpiece, Jessie J
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