Title: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Author: J. K. Rowling
Rating: 5/5
Reading Time: 5-7 hrs
Bookworm Appeal: Plot Twist?
: Fantasy?
: Being Sly?
: Kissing Dementors?
: Useless Divination?
Serious Sirius?
In my opinion, this book had the most PLOT TWIST out of the 1st three books of the series. Some of them were predictable but, most of them weren't. As usual, the writing was FLAWLESS! I loved the whole SIRIUS BLACK mystery. I also loved that we get to know more about Harry's past. I really enjoyed the book and it's my favorite book out of the 3 Harry Potter books that I've read. GO READ IT!
Irrelevant thought
They could have at least tried to make Harry and Hermione kinda nice on the cover. I mean look at them, their so UGLY.
So, Harry is back for his 3rd year at Hogwarts. He's run away from home because he did... something. After almost being run over and a few other stuff they get the problem solved and Harry hopes for a normal year at Hogwarts. But his dreams are destroyed when a mass murderer escapes from Azkaban and the Azkaban guards, Dementors, which Harry seems to be affected by more than others, are sent to Hogwarts to keep the school safe. Find out more about Harry's past in this epic third book of the series.
I wanted to do a song quote but I decided against it. I found this cool mash-up which I wanted to share so click HERE to listen.
Sorry today's review was so crappy.
Irrelevant thought
They could have at least tried to make Harry and Hermione kinda nice on the cover. I mean look at them, their so UGLY.
So, Harry is back for his 3rd year at Hogwarts. He's run away from home because he did... something. After almost being run over and a few other stuff they get the problem solved and Harry hopes for a normal year at Hogwarts. But his dreams are destroyed when a mass murderer escapes from Azkaban and the Azkaban guards, Dementors, which Harry seems to be affected by more than others, are sent to Hogwarts to keep the school safe. Find out more about Harry's past in this epic third book of the series.
I wanted to do a song quote but I decided against it. I found this cool mash-up which I wanted to share so click HERE to listen.
Sorry today's review was so crappy.
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