Title: The Hunger Games
Author: Suzanne Collins
Rating: 5/5
Series: The Hunger Games Trilogy
Bookworms appeal: Fiction?
: Teenager?
: Slight violence?
: Sci-fi?
: Hunger?
Your reading my favorite book.
(This one is especially long, if you want you can skip everything and just read the conclusion at the bottom)
I love this book. I love that its written in present tense and again it is very descriptive like Imperfect. I was completely absorbed in the book that I finished it in an hour and I didn't put it down at all during the entire time I was reading it.
Nowadays, in the YA books I've been reading it seems as though they all have the same plot like seriously, I know I've touched this matter in my review of Imperfect but I feel as though I need to touch on it again. Observe.
(Huge problem + Rebelling Teen + Evil Government + Uprising + Survivors = YA books plot)
I can't say much about The Hunger Games because it was published first but Divergent and The Maze Runner Series have almost the they came out a year or so after The Hunger Games. That's all.
The Hunger Games is kind of like when your at a pizza party with 23 other kids who all want the same slice, just with a different scenario ( replace the last slice of pizza with the one and only surviving tribute, replace the race towards the pizza with battles to the death and the victory of eating the last pizza with peace and fame and fortune. There you have it The Hunger Games
Its based on the life of Katniss Everdeen who volunteers to save SOMEONE from the reaping and gets sent into the Hunger Games with another male tribute where she has to battle it out with her bow and arrow ( see how I slipped that in there) to save the people she loves ( hint...hint). What happens? Who dies? Figure it out when you read the Hunger Games.
I absolutely, without a doubt am in love with The Hunger Games. How do I know? It's when the book is always on your mind, it's when, when someone says a word that seems to have no connection with the book you somehow end up with a thought/picture of that book in your mind, it's when your on facebook and the first thing you check if there are any good pics of your book's characters in any of the book groups you've joined that is how you know your in LOVE. It was love at first sight with me and The Hunger Games, literally. When I came across The Hunger Games it was by chance at a CD shop, Catching Fire had already come out on CD and I hadn't even watched The Hunger Games yet. After watching both movies, I found out it was actually from a book series. I bought the trilogy on the same day and since then it's been my dream to watch the PREMIERE OF THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY PART 2 in the USA but since I'm so far away it would cost me thousands of dollars, so alas it is a dream that cannot be.
READ THE BOOK AND STAY ALIVE ( well at least stay alive long enough to read it and to blog about it too.)
"Everybody's waiting, everybody's watching, even when your sleeping, sleeping keep your eyes open" -Taylor Swift, Eyes open
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