Title: Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix
Author: J. K. Rowling
Rating: 5/5
Reading Time: 1 FULL DAY
Bookworm Appeal: People/Wizards hatin?
: Harry feels guilty again?
: A lot of CRYING?
: Fred and George? (Personally I would read any book if it had them in it.)
: DA?
I'm so close to the end!
OMG!! 3 things pop into my mind when I think about this book, literally, these are the first 3 things that come to mind.
1. How much I love Fred and George
2. Sirius
3. DA!! (you guys know which one)
And as an afterthought
4. Snape
5. Umbridge
So, Fred and George. The flare they posses is something I could never achieve. Oh, it's beyond words, the love that I feel for the pair. I love how they dealt with that old HAG Umbridge. Personally, if I studied at Hogwarts and Umbridge was there, I wouldn't care how many detentions I'd have to go through, I'd give Umbridge the tight slap she deserves and probably kick her in the shin too, just for good measure.
Sirius. I was personally spoiled about this by... my grandmother. No joke. I was.
DA. I loved their DA club. I loved it. I loved how they made Harry proud and gave him something to lead and boosted his confidence and helped him through the miserable life with Umbridge,
Snape. I was highly annoyed and agitated. Umbridge. Oh, Umbridge I'd probably need a few pages to get all of the hate out of my system, maybe not even then. I can't count the times I threw my book on the floor or pounded on the pages of my book or had to pace my room so I wouldn't start shred every page in the book ( same goes to We'll always have Summer by Jenny Han. That book really messes up my heartstrings ) You really need to read it to find out what a (really bad swear word, whatever's in your vocab) she is.
All in all it is a HUGE MUST READ!! WHICH MEANS YOU have TO READ IT!!
Harry's going back to Hogwarts for his 5th year. But, not unusual for anybody who has such douches as a family, he's not enjoying his holiday. He's feeling neglected as well. But, Harry's had enough, like seriously ( I got a tad annoyed with Harry because of his temper but, in his shoes I would've been worse. ) He's got it in his mind that he needs to do something when the summer holidays come to a Siriusly dramatic end and Harry's thrown back into Hogwarts (as usual) with a HORRID DADA teacher and Fudge on his back trying to get him expelled. (OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I hate Fudge almost as much as I hate Umbridge. I mean how immature and stupid can you be. Ohhh, I wanted to kill him at some points or at least have him be tortured by Bellatrix. That's the least he should get after all he put Harry through)
OK. that's it for me.
"Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one, you have been the one for me." -Goodbye my lover
James Blunt
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