Title: Miss Peregine's Home For Peculiar Children
Author: Ransom Riggs
Reading Time: 1 day
Bookworm Appeal: If you're just as random as me you'll find this book wonderfully peculiar.
Walking is for the poor.
I loved this book, it is now officially a part of my ultimate favorites book list. And the ending, I lost the ability to even. EVERYONE WHO READS THIS SENTENCE HAS TO READ THIS BOOK or they shall suffer the consequences of not reading such an awesome book. The writing was amazing and the characters were lovely although slightly frustrating, especially Emma.
The book is basically about peculiar children and a bunch of peculiar things. Sorry for being so vague but I really don't wanna spoil it for you but, if you enjoy kinda paranormal books and even if you don't this book is amazing to any reader that, and the photos are top-notch. I just wish I had the real book, it's just not the same if you can't actually see the pics kinda like Hugo Cabret which I have a review for if you guys wanna check that out.
1. The Prologue
I loved the way Ransom wrote the prologue. Sometimes, if the prologue or the first chapter of a book isn't particularly interesting or bores me, I drop the book. I know, I know shun me. But, Ransom writing style gripped me and I always loved the use of metaphors in writing.
2. In the beginning I thought I was reading from a girl's POV
Not really, important but I thought I'd bring it up. I know you might wonder, why didn't you read the description behind the book? Well, I started reading this book from a noob's perspective, basically the only things I knew about the book was it's paranormal-ish and the third book just came out and that it's really, really good. They mention the name Yakob but, who knows it still might have been a girl's name.
3. I kinda hated Jacob
So this is after, his Gramp's death :(
Anywho, the reason is cause he threw away his grandpa's cigar box of pictures. I mean sure, your upset and annoyed but does that really give you the right to throw away your Grandpa's most prized possession. I mean it really annoyed me. Even if let's say they were fakes (I knew they weren't but he doesn't) they would still be the people his grandfather grew up with and I think he should've kept the pictures, no matter how pissed of he was instead (I'm only 15% in so if digs it back up somewhere later I'm calling him a dumb-dumb) of throwing them in the trash bag.
4. I'm annoyed with Jacob again
Not even three chapters later, I'm already annoyed with Jacob again. I mean so there's the whole we found a letter from another woman and I don't want you to get hurt and all that jazz. I'm giving props to Jacob for not believing his father but annoyed with him because he hasn't put it together. The letter from Miss Peregrine had the same mushy stuff like that and he didn't realize it. I mean how daft can you be, I realized it the minute I read it. (If I'm wrong then, nobody's perfect)
5. Slightly less annoyed and super hyped that my theories are correct.
He figured it out. He brought it up. Wheww! Yes Jacob they are the same person. Do you guys know that feeling where you're halfway through a page or sentence and everything starts to click and you have small theories that you yell out loud hoping someone validates it...then you realize your the only person in the house reading the book and go back to the book. When the bird was perched on his dresser everything made sense, his gramps said that he was being watched over by a bird with a pipe, peregrine is a bird's name and it would only make sense if the caretaker had a peculiar power. Jacob's dad pretty much confirmed it when he said that the bird was a peregrine falcon I mean after he said that it was pretty much the most logical conclusion given the facts.
6. I feel so sorry for Emma
Her whole love story was tragic. Plus the fact that she can't go back to the future without shriveling up and dying thing (I figured it up at the apple part) But, as you guys know, for an avid reader the first thing you do when your protagonist meets another person about the same age from another gender and they have short funny banters is see if their shippable, so I'm just wondering how the whole Emma Jacob thing works. Does he stay in the loop or does he leave or is there a way to bring Emma to the future, and I'm wondering what this is all leading up to since there are three books.
7. Why Jacob? Why!?
When they hatched out their plan I started yelling at the computer screen. It was mostly a bunch of "No! No!" or "You guys are so stupid are you trying to get yourself eaten! God dammit why are you guys being a big bunch of dumbasses!" So they arrive at the shop and they get the dead guy to talk. I swear, when that bloody person came in and revealed he was actually Dr Golan I was yelling bloody murder. I kinda suspected Dr Golan of something during the whole airport part but him being a wight? Did not see that coming. (But I think I should've)
8. The Ending.
The FEELS. I can't...I can't even. I've lost the ability to even and I teared up a bit. OOOOHH I can't wait to start the second book.
"But don't burn out. Even if you scream and shout. It'll come back to you and I'll be here for you."
- Through the dark, 1D
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