Author: Marie Lu
Rating: 89%
Reading Time: ?
Bookworm Appeal: Human?

I pretty much flew through this book. Literally... I got the book this morning at 7:00 in the morning at school and finished it at 11:40 at night. This book to me is kind of like a mixture of Dystopian (10%) and Fantasy (90%). It happens in this Fantasy world called Kenneth? (Kenettra) and we read it from multiple point of views, which is really nice. If you're a noob at Fantasy, I suggest not reading this until you're at least a novice. You should try out reading GRACELING first cause that's a really nice book. I probably give it an A- just because of a few things I'll explain in my SPOILER SECTION.
It's about this girl who discovers she has powers after almost being killed by everyone.
1.This book was soooo dark
But soooooooooooooo intriguing. Just the whole process of her discovering how to control her powers was so dark. I mean, imagine having to grip onto the things you fear most to use your powers every single day and feeding off other people's fears and liking it is really reaally really messed up.
2.Enzo and Adelina
I kinda knew they were gonna end up together as soon as he saved her. I was supposed to be listening to a leadership speech but instead I was reading this book under the table. And the whole time he was saving her I was just smiling like a madman and telling all my friends and I quote "I know they're gonna end up together and I don't even know his name yet." and when I found he was the prince I pretty much went crazy and started gripping all my friends arms and stared at them wide eyed saying "He's the PRINCE" really slowly. They were really cute together in my opinion. I really liked them together but I do wish that we knew more about this Daphne person than what Enzo told Adelina. The part before the Duel was really nice too.
3.The OTHER Young Elites
Gemma seems really nice and Michel too. Adelina seems to be closer to these 2 elites than the other 2. She and Lucent seem to be more like allies or acquaintances rather than friends. And spider just seems like a jerk.
Where do I begin. HE was kind of like her anchor, her shoulder to lean on. Throughout the book I just felt really bad for him. Especially when you're told his backstory. And tht end scene with him and Adelina was just spirit crushing
Did I expect him to die? NOPE! I did not. I kinda suspected someone would die as soon as someone said there was someone with the power to bring people back from the dead but did I expect it to be Enzo! NOOOOOOO. I like Enzo but I feel as though we don't realy know him. I mean we know Adelina , her secrets, her fears but Enzo I barely know anything only that he was a prince, he was friends with Teren before the fever and that he was the first young elite and the girl he loved died.
I need to KNOW MORE!!!!
6.The blood fever
I want to know how it came about in the first place. Like what's its origin how did it start? Who got it first? There wasn't much on the backstory of the fever just that it was always there.
7. Teren
SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Teren was good before that (CURSE WORDS) convinced him that he was no better than a dog. I could probably see a nice different future for Teren if itwere'nt for that evil queen . The solution is prettyy simple though, just kill off Teren I mean sure I pity him but he's better off dead
OMG!!! Why didn't she tell them that her sister was locked up. It would have made things so much easier. Halfway through the book I slammed the book on the table and was just like Imma kill Marie Lu for making Adelina so damn stupid. LIKE SERIOUSLY nothing good ever comes from with holding information.
Adelina ain't backing down. She's a survivor. She gonna make it. Keep on survivin'.
Is amazing!
"What if? What if, what if we lost our minds?"
- YOUTH, Troye Sivan
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